IN HERE! And please subscribe!!!
xx J
segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2011
OOTD maxi skirt yayyy
Hey everyone!
I'm just uploading a video on my channel for My Favorite Vintage Pieces and here are some pictures from this outfit, this is my new maxi skirt, I think it's from Zara, and its second hand. I think it looked really nice with my brown loafers and some plain black tshirt and of course a vintage belt. What do you think?
Also I saw Burlesque yesterday and I'm thinking of making a review about it, I might watch it today too cause I am addicted to all that cabaret vintage pin up theme :)
Tomrrow I'm going to the beach with Barbara and I might bring some photos too!
xx J
domingo, 19 de junho de 2011
Hey people!
So now that I own a youtube channel with actually beauty/fashion videos, any suggestions for my next uploads?
xx J
sábado, 18 de junho de 2011
sexta-feira, 17 de junho de 2011
quinta-feira, 16 de junho de 2011
Oh Natalie!
Primeiro que tudo, sim, voltei a escrever em Português, deixei de escrever porque dei conta que só sigo 3 ou 4 blogs em português e só 3 ou 4 é que me seguem, e sim também devido à minha (enoooorme) preguiça de pensar e traduzir o que digo. Mas acho que escrevendo em português, escrevo mais (o que é optimo) e poderei vir a escrever um pouco mais sem ser só sobre moda, maquilhagem e coisas dessas... O que também é bom.
E hoje venho falar-vos de um filme que vi ontem com umas amigas. Chama-se "No Strings Attached" com a Natalie Portman e Ashton Kutcher (para mais informações vejam AQUI).
O filme: Pensei que fosse outra comédia romantica, cheia de lamechisses (as quais eu não sou muito dada) e confesso só tive curiosidade de ver o filme após ver esta imagem (em baixo). Quer dizer... É ou não é um querido? Eu acho. E também porque vi a parte em que ele lhe dá uma mão cheia de cenouras em vez de flores, e eu juro que se algum dia algum homem tiver a coragem para me oferecer cenouras ou outra coisa qualquer em vez de flores, eu rendo-me logo ali. Porque sim, devo ser das únicas pessoas existentes no universo que detesta que lhe ofereçam flores. Eu adoro flores e plantas mas epá, ramos de flores, NO THANKS...
A não ser que fosse uma orquidea num vaso, aí sim, ficaria mesmo contente.
Então decidi dar uma oportunidade ao raio do filme, o que se acabou por tornar um dos melhores filmes que já vi, em termos de comédias românticas e por ai fora... Não era nada como eu esperava e adorei a história. Pouco comum e eu não parava de me ver no papel da Natalie Portman. Sim, se me querem conhecer melhor sem terem de falar comigo, vejam o filme e voilá! Tirando a parte de ser médica, of course. Se é mau ou não, não sei. Eu gosto de mim assim. E adorei o filme! Recomendo claro a 100%.
xx J
segunda-feira, 13 de junho de 2011
quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2011
This week...
Hey everyone!! This has been basically my make up lately!
-Bold Lips
I don't feel like wearing that winged eyeliner anymore, at least for now... And except the other day when I was going out LOL
And you have no idea how I want Candy Yum Yum from MAC, I think about that lipstick every second seriously... I have to get it! But 18€ for a lipstick? :( ...
Me being silly with Joana Monte at the sushi restaurant <3
xx J
segunda-feira, 6 de junho de 2011
Sometimes I think I would prefer to an animal instead of a human.
People are boring and stupid.
Animals are happy and they sleep all day. They don't care about each other's lives and they don't fight about stupid things.
If I could choose, I would be a cat or a bird.
Good night people, good people. :)
xx J
domingo, 5 de junho de 2011
Or I should say, OOTN/FOTN!
This was my make up and clothes for my night out with my friends, casual and comfortable :)
xx J
terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2011
I'm Back!
Hello people of the world!!
I'm sorry I've been out for a month I guess.. Don't know why actually, but I just didn't felt any will to write and upload... Hope you haven't forgot about me!
But now I am back and I've got so many new stuff to show you!
My prom was last weekend and I've got some pictures to show you! Hope you like my outfit :)
I also got so many new vintage clothing, wich I am obsessed right now!
I also did a purple ombre like I said I was going to! Looks amazing!
xx J
sexta-feira, 6 de maio de 2011
quinta-feira, 5 de maio de 2011
OOTD and some news!
Hey people!
Hope you're well!
This look is been what I've been wearing lately, really like the edgy/rocker style, mixing flowers with doc martens style boots (only cause I don't have my own doc martens yet :( *cries*) I think it looks quite nice and different. My make has been really soft and simple, nude eyes, cheeks and lips!
THIS tumblr has been my lately inspiration, love the pictures and they're style!
I am also going to start making YOUTUBE videos YAYYYY!!! Maybe today I'll upload my first video!
And there's a huge haul coming for you all! I just recently made a facebook account (HERE) and I've been selling and buying some second hand clothes and acessories with other girls and I've got lots of new stuff!
What do you think of this ombre hair? I might do this in a few weeks :)
Maybe more pink than purple, but love this one too...
xx J
quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2011
terça-feira, 26 de abril de 2011
New Thrifted Stuff!!!!
Hey you all! Hope you're well!
So, today, me and my friends went to the thrift stores in our hometown and got ourselves some gorgeous things!
I also went to Zara to get some basics.
Next post is going to be a "current favourites" post, what do you think?
Thank you for all the lovely comments you all, I really appreciate that! :)
I got this denim jacket wich I looove, it's a classic and goes with anything! 12.50€
I love this jacket! It's so 80's! 1€ (yep, really cheap!!)
I got this gorgeouuuuus floral print blouse, I love her, and can't stop thinking of the many outfits I can go with this! 2€
This skirt is just adorable dont you think? 1€
This is what I'm the most excited about, this lovely vintage bag, it was 2€ like, are you kidding me?
I got this basic salmon shirt, its pretty and goes with anything! 4.95€
And this deep green skirt, wich I looooooove, again my camera didn't picked up the real color, but its way more green than that! I might get the fuschia and the blue one also :) 7.95€
I'm really into vintage clothing lately, as you've may already noticed! haha
I'm just tired of dressing like everyone else.
My dad is off to London on Thursday, I'm a bit sad but happy at the same time because on july or august I'm going there to visit him and maybe in december I'm moving to London too :)
xx J
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